Directed by Alexandre Aja
While not necessarily my favorite, horror is the ultimate in reliable genre. Can often be done on the cheaper side with more freedom for some creative risks. It also gives opportunity for some of our great actresses to headline a feature with a meatier role than what is usually offered.
For that alone I am grateful for NEVER LET GO, Alexandre Aja's latest genre fare starring the incomparable Halle Berry. Less of a straight up horror and more of psychological survival drama with spookier elements. The story follows Berry and her 2 twin sons as they fend for themselves in their cabin deep in the woods. It's some sort of post apocalyptic situation with an evil lurking in the woods that doesn't let them leave. The family ties themselves with ropes to the house whenever they need to leave to forage and hunt as supplies dwindle.
The evil presents itself to Halle as images of her family that have passed, the details which are murky and vague. As the story progresses you truly don't know what's real or imagined by the characters, as they become hungrier and weaker. There were a lot of brutal survival moments and Oscar winner Berry has numerous scenes where you're reminded why she's one of the best, even in her traditional Bad Wig. The two actors playing her sons do a lot of dramatic heavy lifting and often carry the movie as well.
I was guessing and trying to figure out what would happen the entire time with some truly shocking twists and turns. I think what surprised me the most is the restraint and creative risks director Aja employs. I'm a big fan of his but have come to expect something a little different from the guy that brought us CRAWL and PIRANHA 3D. I'll never let go!