The Golden Girls are BACK!

Nov 26 - Dec 23, 2021

The holidays are on their way and the Girls are finally back...Live!

Take 4 San Francisco drag legends, cast them in two parody Xmas episodes of the uproarious TV show: THE GOLDEN GIRLS, and you have the perfect holiday event for the entire family - and exactly what we need right now! In what has become a yearly tradition, this drag send-up and loving tribute to the characters the entire world has come to know and love, features local drag stars: Heklina (Dorothy), Matthew Martin (Blanche), D’Arcy Drollinger (Rose), and Holotta Tymes (Sophia). Also featuring Manuel Caneri, and Tom Shaw on the piano.

A cash bar and merch table will be available in the lobby during the show.

Current city mandates require proof of vaccine from COVID-19 and masks worn at all times indoors. Learn more at


Buffy the Vampire Slayer LIVE is back at Oasis!


OASIS PRESENTS: THE APP is now available!